How Shingle Roofing Inspections Can Save Your Money

HomeBlogHow Shingle Roofing Inspections Can Save Your Money

How much do you think a free roofing inspection could save you? $100? $1,000? More? It might surprise you that catching a problem with your shingle roofing early rather than after serious water damage has resulted could literally save you thousands of dollars! Even if your shingle roofing has a long warranty and is fairly new, it is always a good idea to have an inspection done every so often, especially after severe weather.

How Shingle Roofing Inspections Can Save Your Money

There isn’t much going on under those shingles. There is just a thin sheet of material protecting the plywood boards. If water makes its way under the underlayment and soaks those boards, it soon travels to the rafters and down into the interior of your home. Every spot along the path is a hosting ground for mold and also has the risk of wood rot and termite infestation that can undermine the structural integrity of your home. So, what it comes down to is that it is far better to see an invoice for a few replacement shingles that blew off your home’s shingle roofing in a storm than one for wood replacement and mold remediation.

At Roof Replacement Solutions, we never want to see anyone face preventable water damage out of concern that they cannot afford a regular roof inspection. Our simple residential assessment for shingle roofing is completed free of charge. If you would like a written inspection report with photos, that is completed at the low price of $50 for residential properties or $125 for commercial properties. Don’t let your shingle roofing be an “out of sight, out of mind” home maintenance task. Let us give you peace of mind that your property is well protected!